
Preview does not retrieve new data

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have preview active with GatsbyCloud and WPEngine as backend host. Builds are fast (8-30 seconds) and previews builds are a bit slower (30 - 90 seconds). When I edit a post in the WP backend and hit "Preview Changes", a page appears but doesn't show an updated but the old page. The builds work fine, but after looking in the raw logs, there are some errors.


  • Why differ the builds in duration so significantly?
  • In the demo I saw, that the preview window updated automatically after a few seconds – unfortunately, this doesn't work with my setup. Any ideas why?
  • Any ideas, why the new data isn't appearing in the preview? Is this related to the non-nunllable fields (see log below)?

What I tried and didn't work:

  • I waited until the preview build was done on GatsbyCloud, refreshed the preview page.
  • I cleared the cache (first regular build, then preview build) and reinitiated the preview build.
  • I tried different post-types, none worked.


      resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental`,
      options: {
        url: ``,
        verbose: true,
        schema: {
          queryDepth: 5,
          typePrefix: `Wp`,
          timeout: 30000,
        develop: {
          nodeUpdateInterval: 3000,
          hardCacheMediaFiles: true,
        debug: {
          graphql: {
            writeQueriesToDisk: true,
            showQueryOnError: true,
            showQueryVarsOnError: true,
            copyQueryOnError: true,
            panicOnError: false,
            onlyReportCriticalErrors: true,
        excludeFieldNames: [`blocksJSON`, `saveContent`],
        type: {
          Post: {
            limit: process.env.NODE_ENV === `development` ? 35 : null,
          Project: {
            limit: process.env.NODE_ENV === `development` ? 35 : null,
          Employee: {
            limit: process.env.NODE_ENV === `development` ? 35 : null,
          CoreParagraphBlockAttributes: {
            exclude: true,
          CoreParagraphBlockAttributesV2: {
            exclude: true,
          CorePullquoteBlockAttributes: {
            exclude: true,
          User: {
            exclude: true,
          UserRole: {
            exclude: true,
          Comment: {
            exclude: true,
          PostFormat: {
            exclude: true,
          Tag: {
            exclude: true,

Raw log of the latest preview build:

17:33:33 PM:
success  gatsby-source-wordpress  diff schemas - 1.126s

17:33:34 PM:
success  gatsby-source-wordpress  ingest WPGraphQL schema - 1.983s

17:33:35 PM:
success createSchemaCustomization - 2.423s

17:33:36 PM:

17:33:36 PM:
info  gatsby-source-wordpress  Preview for project 7240 was updated at /en/projects/alpine-style-meets-modern-clarity/.

17:33:36 PM:

17:33:37 PM:
success Checking for changed pages - 0.010s

17:33:37 PM:
success source and transform nodes - 2.007s

17:33:38 PM:
info Total nodes: 2467, SitePage nodes: 126 (use --verbose for breakdown)

17:33:38 PM:
success createPages - 1.250s

17:33:38 PM:
success Checking for changed pages - 0.145s

17:33:39 PM:
success update schema - 1.155s

17:33:39 PM:
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.021s

17:33:40 PM:
success extract queries from components - 1.067s

17:33:41 PM:
success write out requires - 0.008s

17:33:41 PM:
success run static queries - 0.863s - 1/1 1.16/s

17:33:51 PM:
ERROR There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot return null for non-nullable field WpProject.uri.

The field "WpProject.uri." was explicitly defined as non-nullable via the schema customization API (by yourself or a plugin/theme). This means that this field is not optional and you have to define a value. If this is not your desired behavior and you defined the schema yourself, go to "createTypes" in gatsby-node.js. If you're using a plugin/theme, you can learn more here on how to fix field types:

  556 | }
  557 | 
  558 | fragment PageFeaturedContentSectionFragment on WpPage_Flex_Content_FeaturedContentSection {
  559 |   sectionHeadline
  560 |   items {
  561 |     text
  562 |     internallLink {
  563 |       __typename
  564 |       ... on WpContentNode {
  565 |         __typename
> 566 |         uri
      |         ^
  567 |       }
  568 |     }
  569 |     linkTarget
  570 |     linkText
  571 |     image {
  572 |       sourceUrl
  573 |       mediaDetails {
  574 |         height
  575 |         width
  576 |       }

File path: /usr/src/app/www/src/templates/Page.jsx
Url path: /
Plugin: none
ERROR There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot return null for non-nullable field WpPost.uri.

The field "WpPost.uri." was explicitly defined as non-nullable via the schema customization API (by yourself or a plugin/theme). This means that this field is not optional and you have to define a value. If this is not your desired behavior and you defined the schema yourself, go to "createTypes" in gatsby-node.js. If you're using a plugin/theme, you can learn more here on how to fix field types:

  556 | }
  557 | 
  558 | fragment PageFeaturedContentSectionFragment on WpPage_Flex_Content_FeaturedContentSection {
  559 |   sectionHeadline
  560 |   items {
  561 |     text
  562 |     internallLink {
  563 |       __typename
  564 |       ... on WpContentNode {
  565 |         __typename
> 566 |         uri
      |         ^
  567 |       }
  568 |     }
  569 |     linkTarget
  570 |     linkText
  571 |     image {
  572 |       sourceUrl
  573 |       mediaDetails {
  574 |         height
  575 |         width
  576 |       }

File path: /usr/src/app/www/src/templates/Page.jsx
Url path: /
Plugin: none

17:33:52 PM:
ERROR There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot return null for non-nullable field WpPost.uri.

The field "WpPost.uri." was explicitly defined as non-nullable via the schema customization API (by yourself or a plugin/theme). This means that this field is not optional and you have to define a value. If this is not your desired behavior and you defined the schema yourself, go to "createTypes" in gatsby-node.js. If you're using a plugin/theme, you can learn more here on how to fix field types:

  100 | fragment CompetenceServicesTeaserSectionFragment on WpCompetence_Flex_Content_ServicesTeaserSection {
  101 |   headline
  102 |   teaserHeadline
  103 |   teaserText
  104 |   teaserLinkText
  105 |   teaserLinkTarget
  106 |   teaserInternalLink {
  107 |     __typename
  108 |     ... on WpContentNode {
  109 |       __typename
> 110 |       uri
      |       ^
  111 |     }
  112 |   }
  113 |   fade
  114 |   images {
  115 |     imageCaption
  116 |     image {
  117 |       sourceUrl
  118 |       mediaDetails {
  119 |         height
  120 |         width

File path: /usr/src/app/www/src/templates/Competence.jsx
Url path: /kompetenzen/innenarchitektur
Plugin: none

17:33:52 PM:
ERROR There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot return null for non-nullable field WpProject.uri.

The field "WpProject.uri." was explicitly defined as non-nullable via the schema customization API (by yourself or a plugin/theme). This means that this field is not optional and you have to define a value. If this is not your desired behavior and you defined the schema yourself, go to "createTypes" in gatsby-node.js. If you're using a plugin/theme, you can learn more here on how to fix field types:

  336 | 
  337 | fragment CompetenceProgressSliderSectionFragement on WpCompetence_Flex_Content_ProgressSliderSection {
  338 |   headline
  339 |   teaserHeadline
  340 |   teaserText
  341 |   teaserLink
  342 |   teaserInternalLink {
  343 |     __typename
  344 |     ... on WpContentNode {
  345 |       __typename
> 346 |       uri
      |       ^
  347 |     }
  348 |   }
  349 |   teaserLinkText
  350 |   teaserBild {
  351 |     sourceUrl
  352 |     mediaDetails {
  353 |       height
  354 |       width
  355 |     }
  356 |     altText

File path: /usr/src/app/www/src/templates/Competence.jsx
Url path: /kompetenzen/innenarchitektur
Plugin: none
ERROR There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot return null for non-nullable field WpProject.uri.

The field "WpProject.uri." was explicitly defined as non-nullable via the schema customization API (by yourself or a plugin/theme). This means that this field is not optional and you have to define a value. If this is not your desired behavior and you defined the schema yourself, go to "createTypes" in gatsby-node.js. If you're using a plugin/theme, you can learn more here on how to fix field types:

  336 | 
  337 | fragment CompetenceProgressSliderSectionFragement on WpCompetence_Flex_Content_ProgressSliderSection {
  338 |   headline
  339 |   teaserHeadline
  340 |   teaserText
  341 |   teaserLink
  342 |   teaserInternalLink {
  343 |     __typename
  344 |     ... on WpContentNode {
  345 |       __typename
> 346 |       uri
      |       ^
  347 |     }
  348 |   }
  349 |   teaserLinkText
  350 |   teaserBild {
  351 |     sourceUrl
  352 |     mediaDetails {
  353 |       height
  354 |       width
  355 |     }
  356 |     altText

File path: /usr/src/app/www/src/templates/Competence.jsx
Url path: /kompetenzen/innenarchitektur
Plugin: none


  • WordPress hosted on WPEngine backend connected to GatsbyCloud
  • Custom Post Type UI 1.8.1 for the creation of the custom post types
  • WPGatsby v. 0.5.4
  • WPGraphQL v. 0.14.0
  • WPGraphQL for Advanced Custom Fields v. 0.3.5
  • WP GraphQL Polylang v. 0.5.0
  • gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental v. ^2.0.1

Hi @MobyDigg , the current preview experience is a little lacking. This is due to loading state and error handling across remote services not being fully handled. I have a new Preview PR here #252 which we're working on merging this week 🤞 Def follow that because it handles the remote state management which has been a big problem with the current preview implementation. In addition it fixes a bunch of cases where previews wouldn't be sourced into Gatsby properly.

Also, if you're interested you can test out the latest WP Preview by using gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental@3.0.0--preview.9 and installing this branch of WPGatsby in your WP instance gatsbyjs/wp-gatsby#50

Hi @MobyDigg , the current preview experience is a little lacking. This is due to loading state and error handling across remote services not being fully handled. I have a new Preview PR here #252 which we're working on merging this week 🤞 Def follow that because it handles the remote state management which has been a big problem with the current preview implementation. In addition it fixes a bunch of cases where previews wouldn't be sourced into Gatsby properly.

Hi @TylerBarnes, thanks! That sounds promising! I am definitely looking forward to see that, as it will be a HUGE addition to the usability of the stack.

Also, if you're interested you can test out the latest WP Preview by using gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental@3.0.0--preview.9 and installing this branch of WPGatsby in your WP instance gatsbyjs/wp-gatsby#50

I will test that today! Thanks again.

Hi again @MobyDigg , I had a closer look and the errors here are related to the limit plugin type option. Follow #192 for news on when this will no longer be an issue.
