gatsby-plugin-sitemap is generating default sitemap even when given custom options
maghaffar opened this issue · 3 comments
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I want to generate custom sitemap for my site and I want to change the priority value based on the when the page is modified. For this I am using custom options of gatsby-plugin-sitemap as shown below:
But the plugin is always generating the default sitemap like this given below:
I don't know what is happening? Can someone please explain this? Can we change the changefreq and priority values?
Reproduction Link
Steps to Reproduce
I am not able to reproduce I can give the link of my site
Expected Result
Actual Result
gatsby: 4.12.0
Config Flags
No response
@janson @mojodna @mudge @farcaller
Kindly reply to this and give solution to this problem.
@maghaffar use advanced sitemap plugin
Its more flexible
I was'nt able to create sitemap by using the plugin. I created using my own custom code and uploaded.
Concerned people of the plugin should have to do something for this problem