A collection of std-like containers written in C++.
Includes Google Benchmark and Google Test support.
(double-ended vector)- a sequence, contiguous and reversible container (with basic exception safety)
- dynamically allocated and automatically handled storage (supports allocator, space complexity 𝓞(n))
- similar to std::vector but with an additional 'offset', allowing front data manipulation
- example representation: |_|a|b|_|_| (with size=2, capacity=5, offset=1)
- options (see 'devector.h' for more details):
- reallocation position mode (start, center, end)
- data shift mode (near, center, far)
- growth factor
- complexity:
- random access - constant 𝓞(1)
- remove at start/end - constant 𝓞(1)
- insert at start/end - amortized constant 𝓞(1), or 𝓞(N) if size < capacity and start == startOfStorage/end == endOfStorage
- insert/remove - linear in the distance to the closest between start and end 𝓞(N/2)
(sparse deque)- a sequence, non-contiguous and reversible container that allows fast random insertion and deletion (with basic exception safety)
- dynamically allocated and automatically adjusted storage (allocator-aware, space complexity 𝓞(n))
- similar to std::deque, but based on a counted B+ tree where each memory chunk behave as a double-ended vector.
- options (see 'sparque.h' for more details):
- chunk size (default: max(4, 1024 / sizeof(T)))
- node size (default: 16)
- complexity:
- random access - 𝓞(log_b(n)), where b is the number of children per node
- insertion or removal of elements at start/end - constant 𝓞(1)
- insertion or removal of elements - amortized 𝓞(m), where m is the number of elements per chunk
- iteration - contant 𝓞(n)
See corresponding 'bench' sub-folders for graphs.
This project uses git submodule to include Google Benchmark and Google Test repositories:
$ git clone https://github.com/gaujay/indivi_collection.git
$ cd indivi_collection
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
$ git clone https://github.com/google/googletest lib/benchmark/googletest
Support GCC/MinGW and MSVC (see 'CMakeLists.txt').
You can open 'CMakeLists.txt' with a compatible IDE or use command line:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make <target> -j
Apache License 2.0
Benchmarked third-party libraries:
- seq::tiered_vector: MIT License
- segmented_tree: Boost Software License - Version 1.0