
Automate code formatting

Opened this issue · 4 comments

gaul commented

Checkstyle is great for consistency but annoying for developers. I looked at some time ago but perhaps there are better alternatives? Suggested by @delanym in #183.

I recommend formatter-maven-plugin. Can you export and upload an Eclipse format XML?

krzyk commented

Eclipse XML format is a PITA to apply in IntelliJ IDEA (the plugins that exist are subpar in my experience).

Well that is the only option with this plugin, and I know IntelliJ can import & export to that directly. If it misses a few properties I can live with that. Anyway, I use the Adaptor for Eclipse Code Formatter which ensures full compat and I've got no complaints. Save actions are the real PITA.

Also suggest the impsort-maven-plugin.

My experiences with the formatter-maven-plugin have been positive so far. I know that diffplug/spotless is also a popular option. But it seems like an overkill and just uses the google formatter under the hood anyway.