
The pet food delivery project utilizes an Android app created with MIT App Inventor and Firebase. It employs a precision load cell to measure food accurately for individual pets based on their breed. Automation is achieved using a Raspberry Pi controller, DC motor, and relays to dispense food at set intervals, ensuring pets are consistently fed.


The pet food delivery system project presents a sophisticated solution for ensuring pets receive their meals with precision and convenience. It operates through an Android application developed using MIT App Inventor and Firebase, offering users a user-friendly interface to manage their pet's dietary needs effortlessly.

At the core of this system is a precision load cell, meticulously calibrated to determine the exact amount of food required for each pet, considering their specific dietary needs based on their type and size. This guarantees that pets receive accurately measured portions, promoting their overall health.

Automation and scheduling are achieved through the integration of a Raspberry Pi controller, a robust DC motor, and relays. These components work together intelligently to dispense food at predefined intervals, ensuring pets are fed regularly and consistently, even when their owners are away.

Publication: http://ijrar.com/uploads/conference/ijrar_53.pdf (pg.no 139-144)