Yoco React SDK stories

⚠️ This is just a demo for yoco react sdk docs

Yoco offers you the quickest and easiest way to process card payments - both in-person, and on your online store.



The Yoco Popup offers you the quickest and easiest way to accept online card payments

import { useYocoPopUp } from "yoco-react-sdk";

function App() {
  const { ready, result, showPopUp } = useYocoPopUp();

  return (
        onClick={() =>
            amountInCents: 2799,
            name: "Your Store or Product",
            description: "Awesome description",
            onCancel: () => console.log("canceled"),

The usePopUp hook receives one parameter the public key.

const YocoPopup = usePopUp("pk_test_ed3c54a6gOol69qa7f45");

This returns an object with the following props

const { ready, showPopUp, result } = usePopUp;
Prop Datatype Description
ready boolean Is true when the the sdk js has loaded successfuly
showPopUp func The function for showing a
result object|null The result of the payment. This Contains the token that your server can use to capture a payment

showPopUp method has the following prameters

Parameter Description
amountInCents Amount you would like to charge the customer as part of this payment. This is a required field for creating a charge and the amount can not be increased once a token is created.
onCancel This function is called when the user cancels the payment by closing the popup window.
name The name you would like to show in the popup header. Typically the name of your store or the product being sold.
description A description of the product or service being purchased.
image URL link that is pointing to an image that will be shown in the popup header. This is typically your logo or a product image. It will be displayed in a circle.
metadata A map of key value pairs that allow you to store extra data related to this payment. We will save the data alongside the payment. Whenever you fetch the payment with our API, we’ll also include the metadata. You can use up to approximately 1kB.
customer.email The email address of the end customer that you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate.
customer.phone The phone number of the end customer you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate
customer.firstName The first name of the card holder you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate
customer.lastName The last name of the card holder you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate.


Inline creates a secure and simple way for you to collect payments quickly.

Inline integrates into your existing checkout page to create a seamless customer experience. A card entry form will be injected into your existing website. You can customise the look of the form using standard CSS.

import { YocoInline } from "yoco-react-sdk";

function App() {
  return (
      onReady={() => console.log("form ready")}
      onSubmit={() => console.log("submited")}
      onResult={(result) => console.log("result", result)}
      onError={(error) => console.log("result", error)}

Yoco inline props

Prop Datatype Description
publicKey string Your intergration key
amountInCents number Amount you would like to charge the customer as part of this payment. This is a required field for creating a charge and the amount can not be increased once a token is created.
description string A description of the product or service being purchased.
metadata object A map of key value pairs that allow you to store extra data related to this payment. We will save the data alongside the payment. Whenever you fetch the payment with our API, we’ll also include the metadata. You can use up to approximately 1kB.
customer.email string The email address of the end customer that you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate.
customer.phone string The phone number of the end customer you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate
customer.firstName string The first name of the card holder you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate
customer.lastName string The last name of the card holder you are billing. This will help the customer's bank verify that the transaction is legitimate.
showErrors boolean If you would like Inline to show error messages for you so that you do not have to handle this yourself. Defaults to false
showSubmitButton boolean If you would like Inline to create a submit button for you that will submit the form. When you do this you will have to listen for the card_tokenized event. Defaults to false
submitButtonText string If you have chosen to let Inline create a submit button on your behalf this method tells inline what text you want to put into the submit button. Defaults to "Pay"
onReady func Triggered when the inline payment form has been loaded onto your page and the user can interact with it.
onSubmit func Triggered when the inline payment form has been submitted.
onResult func Triggered when on a successful tokenization events.
onError func Triggered when there is an error subitting the form.