
Support protobufs (pbf)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

IQueryFeaturesOptions allows for pbf file format but query-all-features only supports JSON. We should support this for easier data transfer.

Thanks for logging the issue. As far as I'm aware, to merge PBF files it is not as simple as joining the binary files together; I think the file contents would need to be parsed and then joined, which is outside the scope of ArcGIS REST JS:

NOTE: for "pbf" you must also supply rawResponse: trueand parse the response yourself using response.arrayBuffer()

(from the link you provided)

If parsing is required, I think that's outside the scope of this repository. I do think there's probably a need for someone to create a library that helps with this though, probably using arcgis-pbf and/or arcgis-pbf-parser.