
Geometry coordinates should be numbers and not strings

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey Gavin - thanks for putting this data together...used it for a little demo.

As I am implementing in scala (using, I ran into a few type safety issues.


"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [

Should be
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [

I wrote a little node script that fixes this - if you want me to pull request the converted data, let me know.

Hi Chris! Yeah please submit the PR for sure!

I used one of my other projects, as one of the steps to generate this data set, which did in fact have this problem that you're mentioning (gavinr/csv-to-geojson#1), and it's now fixed in that project. It'll be great to get this repo's data into the proper format.


Aha! yes, devil in the details...

hopefully the PR went through,

Hey Gavin,

I am having a hell of a time to parse that geojson of McDonalds list. I am working on a school project, do you happen to have the file in anotehr format