Colorize diffs
Closed this issue · 2 comments
gavv commented
Follow-up for #161.
It would be nice to apply colorization when we format diffs:
- color.FgWhite for lines starting with "---" and "+++"
- color.FgGreen for lines starting with "+"
- color.FgRed for lines staring with "-"
- no color for other lines
Colorization should be implemented as a template function added to defaultTemplateFuncs
, say, "colordiff", used as follows in defaultFailureTemplate
{{ .Diff | colordiff | indent }}
This is needed because we don't want to pass colorized values to user templates, if user enabled custom templates.
Ralated: #334.
gpjservais commented
@gavv can I work on this one?
gavv commented
Sure, thanks!