
How to use CSP `nonce` option with Rails 5.2?

Spone opened this issue · 3 comments

Spone commented

Since 5.2, Rails supports adding a nonce to script tags (see

What's the recommended way to use it with gon? I managed to make it work with:

<%= javascript_tag nonce: true do -%>
  <%= include_gon(need_tag: false) -%>
<% end %>

but I'd rather do it in one line. Is there a way?

gazay commented

Hello! There is an option for that

Spone commented

Great! But I think you could update the documentation, as nonce generation is now included in Rails 5.2.

You no longer need to use secure_headers gem, you can just do:

<%= include_gon nonce: content_security_policy_nonce %>

This works and also fix the issue when you use Turbolinks on Rails. You might get this response when Turbolinks makes HTTP requests "failed to load response data: No response with given identifier"

Great! But I think you could update the documentation, as nonce generation is now included in Rails 5.2.

You no longer need to use secure_headers gem, you can just do:

<%= include_gon nonce: content_security_policy_nonce %>