
Cocoapods integration

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I see there is a podspec.
But project is not working with cocoapods.
Is it planned to be supported?

@CHaNGeTe yeah, I basically followed the examples of other libs. Do we really need the pod? Because it works fine without it, I don't see a reason do to a pod

Thanks for reaching out

/Users/sidferreira/Dev/Ted/TEDrn/node_modules/react-native-airplay-ios/ios/RNAirPlayManager.m:3:9: fatal error: 'RNAirplay-swift.h' file not found
#import "RNAirplay-swift.h"

This error happens to me when trying to use pods...

Also, MPVolumeView.setRouteButtonImage:forState: was deprecated in favor of AVRoutePickerView

@CHaNGeTe Can you check if the current version works for you?