
Publish new versions

Opened this issue · 4 comments

First of all, thanks for creating this project! Super excited to use it - it's exactly what we're looking for!

Would it be possible to release the latest version to NPM? Generally it's an easier/safer way to consume OSS.

If you are strapped for time, I'd be happy to publish if you can give me access as a contributor.


@jacob-israel-turner thanks for feedback and ambition, I added you

(The notification about your issue was lost inside tons and tons of GitHub notifications...)

The thing is, I don't actively use this library at the time 🤷
And since React Native itself is a beta project, I can't be sure to approve, disapprove or change anything in this project, since I don't / won't test the changes due to time required and without necessity for my current projects that require my attention :)

We can make this issue as "Asking for collab", maybe?

Hey @gazedash, thanks for replying.

I actually don't foresee needing to make any functional to the library - we've integrated it and it seems to work just great! I'd be willing to setup a Github Action to automatically release new versions to NPM, if you can make me a collaborator.

If there is any need to update the functionality of the library in the future, then we could have a discussion at that point.

@jacob-israel-turner would you be able to publish the latest version of it to npm please? Thanks 🙏

Why you guys require the npm version so badly, though? You know you can use it straight from github, right?
You can even fork it yourself, if you want

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