
Better Guide W/ Pictures

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Hi can you create a guide with pictures, i keep screwing up somewhere and i cannot figure out how to fix up my screwup via text, as im not that great at text instructions



I don't think you did anything incorrect, after adding the images to the guide I noticed that one of the commands were outdated, I've now corrected this, so thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Let me know if it's more helpful with the images I've added.

Okay thank you! i will check it out now

okay so i did auto install and had this error when i checked, i should just manually install this yes?

Looks like it can't find vswhere.exe, Can you double check it's in the tools folder? if not you can download it from here, it should have downloaded it before checking.

If possible, could you link the log files or send it via email gazzzamc+patcher[at] if you don't want to expose you specs, if it's not downloading I'll like to be sure the url is correct, or add an alternative.

yeah i did auto install first then checked, looks like it didnt auto install
and here are the logs

It looks like it did build, but the logs are limited atm unfortunately so there's only so much I can see, I feel it might be the relative path in the command to check for the compiler.

I've added a fix for the path to vswhere, which should hopefully fix the error you're getting, if you have the chance to re-check with the latest update I'd appreciate it.



You seem to have all the dependencies (according to the log, I see the compiler in the build log), so if the new update doesn't work you can still complete the process from the menu itself. If you copy/hardlink the files first then go to the SFSE menu option, and select each option from 1...4.

okay nvm excuse my deleting posting i did something wrong
could not find starfield.exe was the error i got


read thru the docs and transfered starfield.exe by cutting from /xboxgames/ to the folder then copying back to /xboxgames/

edit: in the docs add a snippit in the gui section for the movement of starfield.exe

Starfield.exe is moved during the Auto Install process. There's also an option under the Copy/Hardlink Game Files option.


Could you post the error for the transfer? as that's not normal.


I didn't see the error you posted above:

could not find starfield.exe was the error i got

Did you include the content folder in the GamePath? eg. C:\XboxGames\Starfield\Content

Unfortunately these errors won't show up on the log.

no the error popped up in a random cmd window that closed itself
regardless thats what happened to me starfield.exe didnt move at all and now that i manually moved it sfse works,

so does plugins.txt enabler despite it appearing in the incompatable side of things?

I believe I fixed the issue, I'm now forcing the content folder if it's omitted when setting paths. Yes, plugins.txt works I just forgot to move it. I'll update it now.

Appreciate the help. I'll close this now as you seem to be set.