
"Redundant argument in printf" warning on line 98 with perl 5.32

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I also see this in perl5.28 and perl5.30, but I've not been following perl5 development closely enough to know when this changed or broke.

With -w and use warnings in effect and Convert::ASN1 version 0.31, calling:

Convert::ASN1::asn_dump(*STDOUT, $str);

where $str is a bunch of raw BER, results in an annoying warning every time line 98 is hit:

Redundant argument in printf at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.32/Convert/ASN1/ line 98, <> line 1. 0000 1294: SEQUENCE {

I see the same (unsurprisingly) using Net::LDAP's debug(15) mode.

diff --git a/lib/Convert/ASN1/ b/lib/Convert/ASN1/
index 905600b..099189a 100644
--- a/lib/Convert/ASN1/
+++ b/lib/Convert/ASN1/
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ sub asn_dump {
     my $label = $type{sprintf("%02X",$tag & ~0x20)}
                || $type{sprintf("%02X",$tag & 0xC0)}
                || "[UNIVERSAL %d]";
-    printf $label, $tnum;
+    printf "%s: %d\n", $label, $tnum;
     if ($tag & ASN_CONSTRUCTOR) {
       print " {\n";

You shouldn't include the "\n" in the format string, otherwise LGTM thanks @timlegge !

With the \n and a certificate as data you output:

0000 1294: SEQUENCE: 16
0004   64:   SEQUENCE: 16
0006    9:     OBJECT ID: 6
 = 1.2.840.113549.1.5.13
0011   51:     SEQUENCE: 16

without the \n you output the "nicer" (at least for us ASN.1 fanboys):

0000 1294: SEQUENCE: 16 {
0004   64:   SEQUENCE: 16 {
0006    9:     OBJECT ID: 6 = 1.2.840.113549.1.5.13
0011   51:     SEQUENCE: 16 {