
Typo in Part II. 18. Collision

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Regarding the Paddle Bounce code

    ; First, check if the ball is low enough to bounce off the paddle.
    ld a, [_OAMRAM]
    ld b, a
    ld a, [_OAMRAM + 4]
    cp a, b
    jp nz, PaddleBounceDone ; If the ball isn't at the same Y position as the paddle, it can't bounce.
    ; Now let's compare the X positions of the objects to see if they're touching.
    ld a, [_OAMRAM + 5] ; Ball's X position.
    ld b, a
    ld a, [_OAMRAM + 1] ; Paddle's X position.
    sub a, 8
    cp a, b
    jp c, PaddleBounceDone
    add a, 8 + 16 ; 8 to undo, 16 as the width.
    cp a, b
    jp nc, PaddleBounceDone

    ld a, -1
    ld [wBallMomentumY], a


should the X position checking instead be

    ld a, [_OAMRAM + 5] ; Ball's X position.
    ld b, a
    ld a, [_OAMRAM + 1] ; Paddle's X position.
    sub a, 8
    cp a, b
    jp nc, PaddleBounceDone
    add a, 8 + 16 ; 8 to undo, 16 as the width.
    cp a, b
    jp c, PaddleBounceDone

the conditionals for both jump commands should be swapped I believe. This allows the program to work for me where the tutorial code didn't. It makes more sense as the first jump should occur if the ball's X position is less than the paddle's X position but with jp c it jumps out of the bounce procedure whenever the Ball's X is greater than the Paddle's X

This is already resolved by #59

This is already resolved by #59

ah I see sorry about that I just ran into an issue in the tutorial and debugged it myself, didn't see there was a pending change