
how to improve preview tables readability (desktop)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

This happens to me in at least two different situations:

  • ipt_url/manage/
    Then I click dropdown Options and select "Preview"

  • ipt_url/manage/
    Then I click the "eye" (Preview) icon of a mapping (i.e. DwC occurrences)

In both cases, a table pops up but usually it has many more columns than those fitting in my browser window.
So I miss many of them which are supposed to be hidden towards the right side of the table.

When I click on the table it closes. So I have no idea of how to drag the table in order to browse those hidden columns.
Well, there is a way but it is rather useless:

  1. There is a right side vertical scroll bar which lets me drag towards the end of the table.
    But as soon as I start this dragging, all column headers disappear.
  2. That way I can go down to the end of the table, and there I can see a horizontal scroll bar
  3. Then I can navigate towards right columns of the table, but this is useless because I can't see the column headers anymore.

Are there any solutions for this? Some ideas:

  • Is there any mouse-keys combination which lets me move towards right side of the table without clicking it or using the bottom scroll bar? (so I don't need to go down and loose headers). Maybe this is already possible but I don't know how to do it.
  • Another possibility would be having a fixed header (which does not disappear when scrolling down).
  • Perhaps if I could preview only one a few rows, I would see the bottom scroll bar without having to scroll down first.
  • Perhaps if the div size (I mean the container for that table) fits browser window limits and has its own scrolling bars visible at any time? (no idea of css, just wondering)
  • In any case, repeating all headers as footers would be a quick solution with current design (so at least we can see column names when reaching step 3 above).

And for readability, when browsing a big table I find helpful having some tiny column and row boundaries.

Thanks !

Thank you for the suggestions. I'll adjust stylings to make it more useful.

@abubelinha I've deployed an improved version to so you can have a look

Thanks. I am waiting for helpdesk to reset our institution account in that test IPT
(we used to have one but it doesn't work anymore)

I tested it and it looks much more usable to me now, with a fixed header and visible scrollbars.
Thanks a lot!

Feel free to close this issue unless you are waiting for some other opinions.