IPT public access: Failed
Closed this issue · 14 comments
We have three IPT instances and in all the IPT public access appears as failed
The URL's for the IPT installations are:
- https://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec/iptmae/
- https://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec/iptmae_test/
- https://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec/iptmae_permisos/
Someone has a similar problem?
The site appears down from here, and from https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
https://check-host.net/check-http?host=patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec shows it working in the USA and Brazil, but nowhere else. It could be an issue with your institution's firewall or network.
Thank you for contacting us.
I can't access you IPTs here - connection time out
I just check the IPT and the server is up here and there is no firewall for the webpage.
Unfortunately the server is still not accessible from most of the world, including Denmark. This is probably something your IT department or network team will need to investigate.
See https://check-host.net/check-http?host=patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec or https://www.uptimia.com/website-availability-test/141e8f6f or https://www.site24x7.com/tools/check-website-availability.html
Someone on the secretariat can see if they can access mail.ambiente.gob.ec?
I can say that I can't acces it from Kazakhstan.
We don't have any block from here, we don't know what else to do.
I can access http://mail.ambiente.gob.ec, though it redirects to https://mail.ambiente.gob.ec which is blocked by a firewall.
I cannot access either http://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec or https://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec
This is nothing to do with the IPT, it is a network problem. You need to ask your IT department or network administrators; the people who control your IP range, for help. That might be cnt.gob.ec.
GBIF's servers are in, which is present on the internet as part of Denmark's academic network, AS1835
Have you shown them the public testing page I've been using, for an HTTP connection (port 80) https://check-host.net/check-http?host=patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec ? It clearly has many red entries for your server.
I can connect to an Alfresco service running on http://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec:8080/, but I cannot connect to http://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec/ (port 80) or https://patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec/ (port 443).
The public checker also reports being able to connect on port 8080: https://check-host.net/check-http?host=patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec%3A80 but not port 80.
https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec also reports the site is down.
Can you have a look to the SSL certificate? the only thing that change is that te ssl certificate was updated on November 5.
I cannot connect at all, so I don't see any certificate.
I'm sorry, but there is nothing more I can do. This is not a problem with the IPT, it is a problem with your institution's network, or your ISP, or a very strange setting that's on your server (TTL, net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl?).
Please show https://check-host.net/check-http?host=patrimonio.ambiente.gob.ec to your IT people and work with them to see why most locations show "Connection timed out" errors.
I just take off the SSL from the webpage and it works normally. I'll try to see what happen whit the SSL next year.