
Orphan datasets from Norway

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Results from my own early analysis reveal the following:

  1. The NINA IPT is offline at It serves 1 orphaned dataset: NINA insect database.

  2. IPT serves 142 datasets, however, some have an old endpoint URL ( To ensure that all datasets use the correct endpoint URL, the IPT administrator just needs to press the update registration button on the GBIF Registration page. More info about how to do this can be found in the IPT user manual here.

  3. There are some false positives in the list, such as Additionally, is a false positive because GBIF hasn’t crawled these datasets in a long time - a bug in our crawling service.

  1. Looks like this is a similar issue to the second one - the NINA IPT has been moved to I'll get in touch with NINA and ask them to update the registration.

  2. "IPT registration update succeeded!" Do the datasets in question have to be republished as well, or should this take care of it?

Oops, after a quick second look it looks like the NINA issue is something else - there are two "NINA insect database" datasets, one tied to the IPT at and one tied to one at

On June 25. 2015 I sent an email to,informing that all the datasets under had been migrated to our newest IPT Instance,
We assumed that the datasets would be migrated too, but it seems that the old Insect database got stuck, somehow.

The dataset under is the most recent, so it would be nice if the other one were removed.

Kind regards,
Roald Vang, NINA

Thanks @VangNINA and @gbifnorway

Indeed the Old NINA IPT was marked as deleted in the GBIF Registry two years ago, however, the Old NINA insect database still remained. I deleted it now though.

As you are likely aware, when moving a dataset between IPTs it should get migrated instead of being recreated anew. Migration preserves its GBIF key and DOI, and instructions for future reference can be found in this section of the IPT User Manual.

@gbifnorway the update worked. The datasets should all have the correct endpoint URL now. GBIF will recrawl the datasets now. @jlegind and I will also force a recrawl of all datasets that weren't updated in a long time due to a bug in our crawling service. When that's done, I'll update Norway's list of potential orphaned datasets to confirm the list is empty - thanks a lot!

Screenshots of GBIF Registry Console, showing deleted installation with 1 remaining dataset:

screen shot 2017-06-19 at 15 37 59
screen shot 2017-06-19 at 15 39 33

I can confirm that there are no potential orphan datasets from Norway. Thanks!