
An Ascii Clippy for vim and terminal

Primary LanguageVim script

Create a Clippy using selected text for your documents.
It features both a command line python script and a Vim plugin.
/  \        _____________ 
|  |       /             \
@  @       | It looks    |
|| ||      | like you    |
|| ||   <--| are writing |
|\_/|      | a letter.   |
\___/      \_____________/

Copy the plugin/clippy.vim script into your .vim/plugin


Vim must be installed with the +python extension.

You can check that using the command:
    vim --version | grep +python

Ubuntu Vim comes with +python support.


In Vim
You can pass a range into the command like so:

Or using visual select:
Then select the lines, then clippyfy with:

In Shell
    python clippy.py it looks like you are writing a letter