can't import moviename-poster.png
Closed this issue · 4 comments
for example, I have a movie in same one floder
then I use XBMCnfoMoviesImporter scan, and I found fanart can show, but poster can't show.
help! thanks!
Plex Version
Only .jpg is supported not .png.
I stopped using plex and developing the agents. I'm still answering questions, but that's all I can do at the moment. Sadly no one has picked up the project.
As a quick fix, I would recommend batch conversion tools (e.g. the batch function of IrfanView) which will convert all your pngs to jpgs keeping the original files and the directory structure. It will increase the needed storage space, but not by much, on today's standards. If png support is added by someone later, its easy enough to remove the jpgs, then.
ok, thanks!