
Plex scanner update...

nydave69 opened this issue · 4 comments

I know with the new scanner that they are doing things differently and we can use this agent.
But I'm told that this will not be the case in later versions. And Plex has no intention of adding it.

Will there be an option to use our own data or are they going to force us to use their service.

I would understand if you can't answer the question since Plex isn't forthcoming with information about intentions.

@nydave69 personally I no longer upgrade automatically. The day they remove the legacy Plex Movie agent is probably the day third party plugins stop working.

No one knows what Plex will or will not change as they don't release any roadmap. One can only speculate they will eventually remove the support as this is all built on Python 2.7 which is end of life.

I noticed with the release of the 1.20 of PMS that scans are taking 3-4 minutes per movie. Doesn't matter if I manually start the scan from a command line or Plex runs a library scan. It will load the data correctly but it's so slow. Has anyone also noticed this.

Wondering if this agent could be made to run external to Plex. Something that could be used to populate the Plex database with the NFO information not relying on Plex. That I would run when I load or update a movie.

@nydave69 I believe it's possible to update/change metadata using python and the plexapi module. It would require a complete rewrite.

@ReenigneArcher understood... I didn't think it would be easy, But with Plex doing away with Python and their lack of seeing the necessity of being able to load ones own data leave us users in a pinch. Either we go their way and use the data they provide and/or hand edit every movie and series. That could get written over at any point.

Just hoeing something could be done before they do away with Python totally.

One other thing is that the XBMCnfoSeriesImporter doesn't have this delay, just the movie one.