
wrong poster import

laouache opened this issue · 6 comments


I have no poster import on some tv series which have nfo and poster.jpg correctly set.

Here is the files :
capture d ecran 2017-01-28 a 18 38 08

Here is the logs :

2017-01-28 18:16:27,851 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - ++++++++++++++++++++++++
2017-01-28 18:16:27,856 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Entering update function
2017-01-28 18:16:27,890 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - ++++++++++++++++++++++++
2017-01-28 18:16:27,894 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:184) - XBMCnfoTVImporter Version: 1.1-70-g5d33ed5-197
2017-01-28 18:16:27,908 (700ff470) :  INFO (datakit:24) - Resetting the dictionary
2017-01-28 18:16:27,970 (700ff470) :  INFO (datakit:93) - Loaded the dictionary file
2017-01-28 18:16:28,003 (700ff470) :  INFO (datakit:118) - No default dictionary file
2017-01-28 18:16:28,017 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:191) - Update called for TV Show with id = 4080
2017-01-28 18:16:28,028 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Exception media.items[0].parts[0].file!
2017-01-28 18:16:28,038 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-01-28 18:16:28,149 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Looking for TV Show NFO file at /data/atvstudios/tvshow.nfo
2017-01-28 18:16:28,156 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Looking for TV Show NFO file at /data/atvstudios/test_media/tvshow.nfo
2017-01-28 18:16:28,181 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Removing empty XML tags from tvshows nfo...
2017-01-28 18:16:28,206 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Removing remaining empty XML tags from tvshows nfo...
2017-01-28 18:16:28,224 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - No  tag in /data/atvstudios/test_media/tvshow.nfo.
2017-01-28 18:16:28,251 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Reading aired tag...
2017-01-28 18:16:28,264 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - No aired tag found...
2017-01-28 18:16:28,275 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Reading premiered tag...
2017-01-28 18:16:28,282 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Premiered tag is: 2008-11-16
2017-01-28 18:16:28,291 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Set premiere to: 2008-11-16
2017-01-28 18:16:28,301 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Series Rating found: 8.0
2017-01-28 18:16:28,316 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Set Series Episode Duration from 4 in tvshow.nfo file to 240000 in Plex.
2017-01-28 18:16:28,321 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:491) - ---------------------
2017-01-28 18:16:28,330 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:492) - Series nfo Information
2017-01-28 18:16:28,334 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:493) - ---------------------
2017-01-28 18:16:28,338 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:494) - ID: com.plexapp.agents.xbmcnfotv://259450?lang=xn
2017-01-28 18:16:28,342 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:496) - Title: Ariol
2017-01-28 18:16:28,345 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:498) - Sort Title: None
2017-01-28 18:16:28,373 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:500) - Original: None
2017-01-28 18:16:28,381 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:502) - Rating: 8.0
2017-01-28 18:16:28,385 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:504) - Content: None
2017-01-28 18:16:28,389 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:506) - Network: TF1
2017-01-28 18:16:28,393 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:508) - Premiere: 2008-11-16
2017-01-28 18:16:28,407 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:511) - Tagline: -
2017-01-28 18:16:28,411 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:512) - Summary: La série propose de partager le quotidien d’Ariol, au long de l’année de ses 9 ans, en savourant de petites tranches de vie. Ariol passe par tous les états d’âme de l’enfance, gais ou mélancoliques, à travers les situations les plus concrètes de la vie : en famille, à l’école, dans le quartier, en vacances, mais aussi en songe, car l’imagination est le trait majeur de son caractère. Ariol est entouré d’une pléiade de personnages forts et attachants. Son univers animalier, où toutes les espèces sont mélangées, permet de typer avec drôlerie les caractères humains...
2017-01-28 18:16:28,414 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:514) - Genres:
2017-01-28 18:16:28,430 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:515) - 	Animation
2017-01-28 18:16:28,447 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:515) - 	Children
2017-01-28 18:16:28,451 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:517) - Collections:
2017-01-28 18:16:28,455 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:520) - Duration: 4 min
2017-01-28 18:16:28,466 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:522) - Actors:
2017-01-28 18:16:28,470 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:526) - ---------------------
2017-01-28 18:16:28,544 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - UpdateEpisodes called
2017-01-28 18:16:28,562 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-01-28 18:16:28,681 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - seasonID : /data/atvstudios/test_media
2017-01-28 18:16:28,685 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Finding episodes
2017-01-28 18:16:28,700 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-01-28 18:16:28,839 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Found 1 episodes.
2017-01-28 18:16:28,847 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-01-28 18:16:28,991 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - epKEY: /library/metadata/4082
2017-01-28 18:16:28,997 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - epNUM: 1
2017-01-28 18:16:29,008 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (threadkit:234) - Starting a parallel task set named UpdateEpisodes with 1 tasks
2017-01-28 18:16:29,016 (6f57f470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - UpdateEpisode called for episode (, /library/metadata/4082) S01E01
2017-01-28 18:16:29,028 (6f57f470) :  DEBUG (networking:166) - Requesting ''
2017-01-28 18:16:29,150 (6f57f470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - UPDATE: /data/atvstudios/test_media/Ariol - S01E01 - La balle de match.VOB
2017-01-28 18:16:29,155 (6f57f470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Looking for episode NFO file /data/atvstudios/test_media/Ariol - S01E01 - La balle de match.VOB
2017-01-28 18:16:29,174 (6f57f470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - File exists...
2017-01-28 18:16:33,072 (710ff470) :  INFO (datakit:131) - Saved the dictionary file
2017-01-28 18:17:08,409 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (threadkit:244) - Parallel task set UpdateEpisodes ended
2017-01-28 18:17:09,487 (700ff470) :  INFO (__init__:29) - Series Episode Runtime already set! Current value is:240000
2017-01-28 18:17:09,490 (700ff470) :  INFO (datakit:24) - Resetting the dictionary
2017-01-28 18:17:10,137 (6f57f470) :  CRITICAL (runtime:298) - Exception in task thread (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins-b38628e/Framework.bundle/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/components/", line 296, in _start
  File "/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins-b38628e/Framework.bundle/Contents/Resources/Versions/2/Python/Framework/components/", line 243, in _exec
    self._result = self._f(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/XBMCnfoTVImporter.bundle/Contents/Code/", line 630, in UpdateEpisode
    nfoText = re.sub(r'&(?![A-Za-z]+[0-9]*;|#[0-9]+;|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;)', r'&', nfoText)
  File "/data/jenkins/pms-deps-universal-v2/BUILD_TAG/linux-annapurnatrans-arm7/output/pms-depends-linux-annapurnatrans-arm7-release-11a0c7d/lib/python2.7/", line 155, in sub

2017-01-28 18:17:11,679 (700ff470) :  INFO (datakit:118) - No default dictionary file
2017-01-28 18:17:17,085 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (model:229) - Serializing to /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/TV Shows/5/795ff3b947f6204d57d1a9f0ba7e16462e3aa6c.bundle/Contents/com.plexapp.agents.xbmcnfotv/Info.xml
2017-01-28 18:17:17,163 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (runtime:88) - Sending packed state data (109 bytes)
2017-01-28 18:17:17,169 (700ff470) :  DEBUG (runtime:924) - Response: [200] str, 16 bytes

Here is the results :

capture d ecran 2017-01-28 a 18 39 01

SlrG commented

Please create a Season 01 directory, move the episodes (including episode nfo and thumb) into it and then try again. If it still fails, please report again.

This did not fix my issue, as I am having the same problem. I have seen a few others internet wide having this issue too. It would be a huge help to get it figured out, I appreciate all the hard work so far going into this. I have tested this on Windows, and now Linux Server, when I fall back to a previous version of Plex, maybe 4 versions back this issue vanishes, so I hope this helps in solving it. Would love to do what I can to help get this figured out. Let me know what you need.

SlrG commented

I'm still waiting for your reply. Did creating a season subfolder solve your problem?

Do you really get no poster at all for the tv show like laouache did? Or do you get wrong season posters, where each season has the poster of the tv show itself? If it is the latter, then this is a known plex bug, that got introduced with plex versions later then 1.2.7. The plex devs should know about this problem by now and we all hope it will be fixed soon. If you have no series poster at all, please provide me your debug logs.

SlrG commented

If your problem is solved, please close the issue.

SlrG commented

Is your problem solved? The newest plex pass version fixes the error I mentioned.

WONDERFULLLLLLL My issue is resolved. Thanks for the update SIrG. This is a HUGE relief.