
[BUG] Limit CPU usage for 3Di prediction

valentynbez opened this issue · 2 comments

  • phold version: 0.2.0
  • Python version: 3.11.9
  • Operating System: CentOS


During CPU prediction of 3Di tokens phold uses all available CPUs, even though the threads parameter is passed.

Command to reproduce:

phold run -i largest_virus/pharokka.gbk \
    -d work/phold --threads 32 --cpu \
    -o phold --ultra_sensitive --force

I had this same issue

Thanks @valentynbez @jamesck2 ,

This bug is fixed now thanks for spotting it - the fix is available in the main branch (I'll make a release soon).

Let me know if it doesn't work, my tests suggest it works.
