
Improve Documentation

gbroques opened this issue · 7 comments

Several things need to be updated on the documentation site:

  • Add information to introduction
    • Possibly add our game flow diagram to it.
  • Change API to Song Match API
  • Add Troubleshooting page
  • Add "Future Plans" / "Moving Forward" page.
  • Add Virtual Environments page and mention it in Setup
  • Add "Codebase Conventions" page explaining some of the common conventions and design patterns found within the codebase.
  • Add Dependencies page
  • Mention how to find usages of functions within PyCharm
  • Add page about package structure, and give overview of project
  • Add page about how our documentation is built and setup

Mention replacing the batteries on the cube if you notice flickering or other weird behavior.

Probably more stuff I'm not thinking of.

@kb5 @bpowe1991 @rlwprog Any suggestions?

kb5 commented

He was wanting two different flowcharts included in this documentation. We can include the flowchart that we have in the user guide for the game flow. He also is looking for a program flowchart that would show calls to functions and such.

I have a branch for this up called:

So far I've:

  • Added more information to the introduction
  • Changed API to Song Match API
  • Added a page about virtual environments and updated the Setup page accordingly
  • Added a page about Codebase Conventions
  • Added a page about PyCharm
  • Added page about dependencies
  • Added page about package structure


Mention replacing the batteries on the cube if you notice flickering or other weird behavior.

kb5 commented

A troubleshooting and moving forward page was added. I mentioned the batteries on the troubleshooting page.