
Include illustrative image(s)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

P18 links to images on Wikimedia Commons. Image URLs should be returned in JSKOS field depiction. Image URLs can be generated from Commons file name with preferred image size like this:

Open question is how to comply with license. JSKOS format does not include license information so how should clients (especially Cocoda) handle it?

=> Jonathunder / CC BY-SA

Unfortunately Wikimedia Commons does not support IIIF API

Apparently the depiction field is already filled but the license issue remains.

Instead of return image URLs as string, couldn't we return them as an object which includes the URL as well as the license?

Yes, that's the idea but it turns out complicated which fields to include in the image object without inventing your own standard. One option so far is IIIF Presentation API or IIIF Image Info API.