
Luftbilder in OMSI 2

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Luftbilder in OMSI 2 | gcWorld Modifications

OMSI 2 bietet die Möglichkeit Luftbilder direkt im Editor anzeigen zu lassen. Um dies zu nutzen ist es jedoch erforderlich einige Dinge vorab einzustellen. I...


Google links are down. Please new link

Are you still having issues with the Google links? If so what kind of error message are you getting, if any?


Google links are down. Please new link

Make sure you don't have any spaces after the link. I copy-pasted the link and an API code via Notepad and it didn't work. Later I opened options.cfg in Notepad++ and I saw some spaces after the link, I deleted those and now it works.

Hello @gcWorld
First, thanks a lot for your work. But I have issue since today with Bing links with my API key (enabled of course). It worked until today (at least one year), but now OMSI tell me he can't download images

Thanks for the info, should be back to working again now. Let me know if there are any issues.

Great ! Everything is back to normal ! Thank you very much

Hello, i was trying the google maps ones with my api, and it didnt work, Why?

The service is up and running. What kind of error message are you getting?
What happens when you paste the URL into a browser?

I need to apply billing, but i cant, because i dont have a card to pay online, can i ask how i can use the bing one's?

Yes, you'll need billing activated in order to use the Google API.

You can sign up for a bing key here:

Der Bing Link funktioniert leider nicht.

Google links are down. Please new link

What error message are you getting when you copy the link into a browser?
I'm not seeing any issues on my end.

you have to activate tha option "Load whole map at start " befefore convert into world coordinates!

Warning: The downlaod has failed. Did you check the image link in the options.cfg?

@viniRod2 that's just the error message from Omsi. Copy the link you have in your options.cfg and paste that into a web browser. Then let me know what message is displayed.

The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. The provided API key is invalid.

@viniRod2 Thanks. Your provided API key is wrong. In this case you need to make sure that you have your correct API key from Google and have it as part of your link as described in the article above.

Hallo, leider funktioniert es über Bing nicht.

"Error: 401 Access was denied. You may have entered your credentials incorrectly, or you might not have access to the requested resource or operation."

Obwohl der API key frisch ist.

Openstreetmap funktioniert, nutzt mir nur nichts.
Für google brauch ich eine Kreditkarte. Nicht vorhanden.

Bitte fixen.


Beim Einsetzten des APIkeys habe ich die Klammern [ ] nicht entfernt. Jetzt klappts.

it says me: Bad request (Bing)


I'm using the bing satelliten link since I'm making map in OMSI 2 (circa. 2018). But yesterday, at the loading of a new tile, OMSI showed me this warning message : "The download has failed. Did you check the image link in the option.cfg ?". I tried to solve by myself, first, by using another one of my API Keys from bing. But today, when I click on Dnl. current Tile, it immediatly showed up "The download has failed. Did you check the image link in the option.cfg".

I read this page multiple times and I pasted the link I'm using in my browser and I got "Error_connection_time_out". I retried when I was writing this message, and now I get an error 500.

I hope to be clear about my problem.

Thanks you in advance for yours answers.

there's currently an issue with the service. I am hopeful that I was able to fix it but it might take a bit for the changes to propagate.
You can try replacing aerial.gcmods.de with aerial3.gcmods.de
Do let me know if the issue is fixed by that change.

I try without changing to aerial3, and it works !

Thanks a lot :)

It doesn't work for me.
It used to for a long time, but since September it doesn't wanna download the aerials. The editor says the well known "Did you check..." error message, my web browser says: error 500, can't handle the request, when I paste the aerial download link to it (same for "aerial3").
Any hope to make it work again?

@erikjano what is the full address you're using? Leave out your API key for now.