when pass session name as a variable, it breaks (as of v1.6.something)
ahbarnett opened this issue · 6 comments
Not exactly sure when this broke, but I used to rely on it in v1.5 something:
@gp :fig1 rand(10) "w l" # works fine
s = :fig1
@gp s rand(10) "w l" # breaks
@gp session_names()[1] rand(10) "w l" # also breaks.
The error is:
ERROR: Unexpected argument with type Symbol
[1] error(s::String)
@ Base ./error.jl:35
[2] parseSpecs(::Symbol, ::Vararg{Any}; default_mid::Int64, is3d::Bool, kws::@Kwargs{})
@ Gnuplot ~/.julia/packages/Gnuplot/PdysS/src/plotspecs.jl:200
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[17]:1
Thanks for a useful package! Best, Alex
It broke in v1.6. The problem is that the session name needs to be a literal Symbol
, while variables of type Symbol
are no longer accepted. This is why @gp :fig1 ...
works while @gp s ...
raises an error.
The advantage is that a @gp
invocation now involves exactly one session.
Sorry for this breaking change, but I had to rationalize a bit the syntax...
If you still wish to use a Symbol
in a variable you can copy/paste the code generated by the @gp
macro, e.g.:
@macroexpand @gp :fig1 rand(10) "w l"
local gp = Gnuplot.getsession(:fig1)
Gnuplot.append!(gp, Gnuplot.parseSpecs(rand(10), "w l", default_mid = Gnuplot.last_added_mid(gp), is3d = false))
Gnuplot.options.gpviewer && gpexec.(Ref(gp), Gnuplot.collect_commands(gp))
and replace :fig1
with a variable containing a session name such as s
from your example, or session_names()[1]
I don't know metaprogramming, but I don't see why you couldn't allow a Symbol as well as a QuoteNode in the logic here:
Line 437 in 4613227
That would recover the rather useful behavior from v1.5. Otherwise unpacking the macro is awkward.
Here's me checking the symbol or quotenode
julia> macro t(args...)
println(args[1]," ",isa(args[1],Symbol)," ",isa(args[1],QuoteNode))
@t (macro with 1 method)
julia> @t :fig1
:fig1 false true
julia> s= :fig1; @t s
s true false
Since the command Gnuplot.getsession(s)
works on symbols as well as quotenodes, this should be a 1-line change (the line above).
Thanks, Alex
Because isa(args[1],Symbol)
is a check on the name of the variable, not its content.
If you set s
to an int or a string you would obtain exactly the same results:
s= :fig1; @t s
s true false
julia> s= 1; @t s
s true false
julia> s= "ddd"; @t s
s true false
An alternative approach is to change the name of the default session being addressed when no one is specified, e.g.:
s = :fig1; Gnuplot.options.default = s; @gp rand(10) "w l"
I'm working on new examples, and I will also add this.
Thank you for pointing it out!