
animation, better quality

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the following works, however, the quality is not really good.
I was wondering if there is a way around, by specifying before the kind of *.png images to use for the animation.

using Gnuplot
x = 0:0.01:2*π
@gp xlab = "x" ylab = "sin"
for i in 1:20
    @gp :- i x sin.(x .+ i / 10.0) "w l lc 'black' notit"
#@gp :- "set terminal pngcairo"
save(term="gif animate delay 10", output="animation.gif")

I guess this is the best you can get with the gif terminal alone.

Alternatively you can use the pngcairo terminal and then create an animation:

x = 0:0.01:2*π
files = Vector{String}()
for i in 1:20
    @gp xlab = "x" ylab = "sin"  x sin.(x .+ i / 10.0) "w l lc 'black' notit"
    save(term="pngcairo", output="animation$(i).png")
    push!(files, "animation$(i).png")
run(`convert -limit memory 1 -limit map 1 $files animation.gif`)
# run(`rm -f $files`)

This works pretty nice!, and it's not too complicated.