
Make sure the user gets the bip44 coin type in documentation and/or creation process

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Default (0') is here (see comments).

Someone who can inject their own Coin type doesn't need this. For everyone else, it seems worth making it explicit in documentation and/or wallet creation (requires update to bchctl). Current documentation is a generic string:

bchwallet uses the m/44'/<coin type>'/<account>'/<branch>/<address index> HD path for all derived addresses, as described by BIP0044.

Does that sound reasonable or am I missing something obvious?

So it's actually selecting the cointype from the chainparams that are loaded. So it would typically be 144 for BCH. But you're right that isn't well documented.

Oh! I didn't see where it overrides the default with chainparams. I will look at that.

Ok thanks now I see here where the global default is changed to the current net params. Ugh.

It's 145 instead of 144 right?