
Imported private keys do not locate UTXOs after rescan

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Importing WIF keys using importprivkey triggers a rescan, but no UTXOs are present when completed.

@musashidev I had hoped your backports would resolve this but unfortunately the issue persists.

@discoltk can you try the latest version. I bumped all libraries and can confirm normal send/receive works again.

$ cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/gcash/bchd/sample-bchd.conf ~/.bchd/bchd.conf
$ cp $GOPATH/src/github.com/gcash/bchwallet/sample-bchwallet.conf ~/.bchwallet/bchwallet.conf
$ $EDITOR ~/.bchd/bchd.conf
$ $EDITOR ~/.bchwallet/bchwallet.conf