I created this app to mitigate my frustartions with my Roku TVs I have hung on my wall as monitors for my computers! As many may know, Roku devices sharte a common standard remote for all devices. So when someone like me has 2 of them hung on the wall as computer monitors and I need to adjust a setting/volume/anything and 1 remote controls them all, you can imagine my frustration!! I then created this small GUI tKinter based app to allow you to single out a TV and send commands to it specifically using the network based API.
It is a work in progress, but functional none the less. Utilizes the Requests python library for API calls and tKinter and tk for GUI (see requirements.txt)
-devices.json houses your specific devices IP address information -main5.py launches app -all logging is outputed to local directory
Python Roku Remote using Roku RESTful API