
.termbox already exists

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Building failed because python wasn't installed, which is required to build the C library. I installed python and build failed again because git wouldn't clone into an existing directory. I'll submit a pull request with a fix when I get the chance.

clean() should be called before setup() in build.rs to fix the git clone error

I got the same error, took me a while to figure out what was causing it.

On my system, /usr/bin/python is symlinked to /usr/bin/python3. Changing that symlink to /usr/bin/python2 solved the issue.

I currently can't figure out what is calling this python library though. Explicitly calling python2 (with a fallback to python) might be a good solution. Because I didn't find this invocation yet (maybe termbox calls it), I'm not able to send a pull request. Note that I'm using rustbox which depends on this crate. If the issue has already been fixed in the master branch, please consider pushing it to crates.io.

Edit: this seems relevant nsf/termbox#117

@timvisee as you've referenced, the issue is upstream, in the termbox build script. You can patch it as part of the termbox build; here's an example of a sed-based patch step that'll do just that. You can use that repo as a temporary workaround.

I don't think it's a permanent solution, though. As an example, Arch Linux has taken to renaming the 2.x python executable python2, but macOS still uses python. Ideally, that termbox issue is addressed upstream and its build script works in both versions.

@gchp this has been fixed via #19; we can close this issue now. 🙂

@jmacdonald I think we should wait with that until the fix has been released and the new termbox-sys version is used by rustbox.

Nevermind, I thought this issue was in the rustbox repo, oops.

Bump. Problem is still relevant