
importing jpegasm error

pfeatherstone opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using jpegasm in a vue application. when calling

import jpegasm from 'jpeg-asm'


var jpegasm = require('jpeg-asm');

i get runtime error:

TypeError: r.cwrap is not a function
    at Object.ea24 (api.js:10)
    at i (bootstrap:79)

I hope after library update this is not a problem anymore.

at least cannot see these errors:

const jpegasm = require('jpeg-asm');
const fs = require('fs');

const filepath = 'SOME_IMAGE';
const jpegBuffer = fs.readFileSync(filepath);

const jpegArray = new ArrayBuffer(jpegBuffer.length);
const jpegView = new Uint8Array(jpegArray);
for(let i = 0; i !== jpegBuffer.length; ++i) {
  jpegView[i] = jpegBuffer[i];

jpegasm.decode(jpegArray, (err, data) => {
  console.log({ err, data });

  const options = {
    width: data.width,
    height: data.height,
    quality: 80

  jpegasm.encode(data.buffer, options, (err, data) => {
    console.log({ err, data });

the only point - API is async now due to the way WASM starts up.