
As a user I want to be able to answer my partners submitted question using my pool of words by clicking each in order such that I am able to express my opinion under the constraints of the game.

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User story
As a user I want to be able to answer my partners submitted question using my pool of words by clicking each in order such that I am able to express my opinion under the constraints of the game.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Users are presented with their partner's submitted question.
  • A pool of words specific to the user (based on their character type or other criteria) is visible and available for selection.
  • Users can click on the words in their desired order to form their answer.
  • The selected words should appear sequentially, showing the formation of the answer in real-time.
  • There should be a clear indication of the word being selected, such as highlighting or a visual cue.
  • Users should be able to deselect or change the order of the chosen words if they decide to rephrase their answer before submission.
  • A "submit" or "confirm" button should be available for users to finalize their answer.
  • After submission, users should receive feedback, such as a confirmation message, indicating their answer was received.
  • Users should have the ability to view their response after submission.

Definition of Done:

  • The feature for answering using a word pool has been developed and integrated into the user interface.
  • A mechanism is in place to fetch the pool of words specific to the user and display them.
  • User testing confirms that the process of selecting words, forming an answer, and submitting it is intuitive and operates without errors.
  • The feature has been manually tested to ensure it meets all the acceptance criteria.
  • The feature has unit test coverage and passes all tests.
  • The feature has been merged into the develop branch of the codebase without introducing any breaking changes.
  • The feature has been deployed to the production environment and monitored for any unexpected behavior.