
zones populated, but no names' resolution

yepyepyep4711 opened this issue · 1 comments

hello everyone,

I'm trying to use this, but the settings file was being ignored. So I wrote the settings directly in diskstation_dns_modify.sh and now the zones are being filled (you might want to try this if your PTR are being populated - as you're using the same subnet as the author - but not your A records). Alas, no cigar. nslookup can't resolve local names from my pc, neither can my android phone.

Here's my situation: I'm trying to have my android phone reliably find the machines on the lan through their names instead of me having to start a network discovery app, get their IP and then enter that in whatever app I want to use at that moment.

To achieve that, I'm providing both DHCP and DNS from my 6.2.2 Synology. DHCP works great, and yes, it tells the clients to use my synology as a DNS server. DNS forwarding to the outside world works too. I don't know why the resolution doesn't work for the LAN nodes.

Bonus question #1: did I understand correctly that the StartDHCP-DNS.sh is only needed if one uses the task manager way of restarting the script after boot?

Bonus question #2: did I understand correctly that, if this works, the short form of the names becomes usable? So, if garyslaptop join my.lan, then mydesktop can connect to it using "garyslaptop" and does not need to use garyslaptop.my.lan? Now I know: yes it does

Many thanks all

I kept on debugging, and here's some additional info: the only way to have the zone changes reflected in an nslookup request is to disable, then enable the zone in the DNS server screen on the DSM. Obviously, this is not a viable solution. Will keep digging