
Mozilla list of RPs and Groups for SSO-Dashboard

Primary LanguagePythonMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


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How it works...

apps.yml is used both for first stage access control and SSO Dashboard visibility settings.

See: Access File documentation for a complete reference. apps.yml is deployed to an S3 bucket by CI and made available via the CDN at https://cdn.sso.mozilla.com/apps.yml

Fields reference

This is a list of available fields.

  - application:
      ### RP Identification settings
      # This is just a name for the RP, easier for humans when reading this file
      name: "Example RP Name"

      # This is the access provider's client_id for this RP
      client_id: "xzc2030239xzxc"

      # This is the access provider name (OP: Open Id Connect Provider)
      op: auth0

      ### SSO Dashboard display settings
      # This is the URL that a user must visit to be logged into the RP. This URL would
      # either be the URL of the login button on the site (if it has one), or the URL
      # that a user gets redirected to when they visit a protected page while unauthenticated.
      url: "https://rp.example.net/oidc/authenticate"

      # A custom logo to be displayed for this RP on the SSO Dashboard
      logo: "example.png"

      # If true, will be displayed on the SSO Dashboard
      display: true

      # An URL that people can bookmark on the SSO Dashboard to login directly to that RP (i.e. not the RP frontpage)
      vanity_url: ['/an-easy-to-remember-url']

      ### Security settings
      # The list of users and groups allowed to access this RP.
      # If both authorize_users and authorized_groups are empty, everyone is allowed
      # If one is empty and the other has content, only the members of the non empty one are allowed
      # If both have content, the union of everyone in both are allowed
      # https://github.com/mozilla-iam/auth0-deploy/blob/4ac5cb4959fc93a668fcc9909ce33eac2eb8416c/rules/AccessRules.js#L173-L181
      # https://github.com/mozilla-iam/sso-dashboard/blob/a0d66f10b28654b40722f4a9e773069a8f84c629/dashboard/models/user.py#L138-L152
      # This is used by the SSO Dashboard for display purposes and for first stage access control by the Access Provider
      authorized_users: []
      authorized_groups: []

      ## Mappings to standard levels (https://infosec.mozilla.org/guidelines/risk/standard_levels) AAL
      ## values below are available at the IAM well-known endpoint
      ## (https://auth.mozilla.org/.well-known/mozilla-iam)
      # AAI is Authenticator Assurance Indicator: A Standard level which indicates the amount confidence in the
      # authentication mechanism used is required to access this RP. It is enforced by the Access Provider.
      # E.g. "MEDIUM may mean 2FA required"
      AAL: "MAXIMUM"

Git workflow

In order to publish a change you must:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Pull request to master and get it approved.
  3. Have the PR merged to the master branch which will cause CI to deploy to the dev S3 bucket called sso-dashboard.configuration which can then be seen at https://sso.allizom.org/dashboard and is used by the Auth0 dev tenant rules from https://cdn.sso.allizom.org/apps.yml
  4. Tag the commit in master that should be deployed to production with a conforming tag name. A conforming tag name for a production deploy is in the format of 1.2.3-prod. Applying this tag will cause CI to deploy to the sso-dashboard.configuration-prod S3 bucket used by production. The easiest way to tag and trigger a production deployment is to create a 'release', we are using semantic versioning (0.0.1) for this repo.

CI Pipeline

This GitHub repo has a webhook configured which triggers the apps_yml AWS CodeBuild job in the mozilla-iam AWS account in us-west-2. This CodeBuild job follows the buildspec.yml which calls deploy.sh to deploy the change.