
The task "lein appengine-new"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Am i getting something wrong?
What do i have to do to get leiningen running the appeninge-new task, i can't find a hint in the tutorial what modifies it to do so.

gcv commented

You need to create a regular Leiningen project using "lein new", then add appengine-magic to its dependencies. Please take a closer look at the "Project setup" section in "Getting Started" in the README file.

I followed this guide, but after the long dependency download process i am stuck at this point. Then lein doesn't know the command, am i probably using the wrong lein script file?

Thanks for the quick answer anyway.

gcv commented
  1. Please verify that you are using Leiningen 1.5.0 (run lein version, if it's an earlier version, run lein upgrade).

  2. Create a new project: lein new mytest.

  3. Use the following project.clj file:

    (defproject mytest "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
    :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.1"]]
    :dev-dependencies [[appengine-magic "0.4.0"]])

  4. Run lein deps.

  5. Delete mytest/src/core.clj (appengine-magic will create a better default for you).

  6. Run lein appengine-new.

sry for my late answer,
everything worked well following your description.
The version was 1.5.0 so i don't know what exactly went wrong.

proceed with your great work