
What's the problem with xterm?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Compared to other terminals on Linux, xterm seems to be pretty picky towards icons / runes / unicode

This for example, is a 'start / play button' on most terminals, but not on xterm:


What's the reason behind this?

xterm is probably too old I guess.

There are many versions of xterm out there, and some of them are really ancient and probably lack support for modern Unicode.

It may also depend on the fonts you're using for this.

It may also depend on how you start it -- for example, did you start it from a C (US only) or 8859 locale? If so then it probably won't know to support Unicode.

For example some discussion here:

Also here:

As this is Xterm specific, and nothing tcell can do about it, I'm closing this here.