
Craigslist::Search provides an easy way to search Craigslist. While fully functional it is still a work in progress.


Its features include:

  • SQLite DB for storying city/category data. Only refreshed when the module cannot find if it is considered "stale".
  • Ability to select city and category for a more granular search.
  • Sort by either relevance or date.
  • Select a limit for the number of results to return.
  • Only show results with photos.

The output format is an array of hashrefs containing search results.


Example script


use strict;
use warnings;
use lib "/home/gdanko/craigslist-search";
use Data::Dumper;
use Craigslist::Search;

my $cl = Craigslist::Search->new;
print Dumper(\$cl->{_ads});

Sample output (results truncated)

[Warn] the database is missing or corrupt - recreating.
[Info] done!
[Info] refreshing the database.
[Info] done!
$VAR1 = \{
            '1402617600' => [
                                'has_pic' => 1,
                                'date' => 1402617600,
                                'location' => 'San Diego',
                                'price' => '$115',
                                'url' => '',
                                'title' => 'Cisco 3g Microcell Tower--at&t'
                                'location' => 'Mira Mesa / Mission Valley',
                                'date' => 1402617600,
                                'has_pic' => 1,
                                'title' => 'Mobile Sound System For Ipad 1,2,3 Wireless Headphones Brand New',
                                'url' => '',
                                'price' => '$25'