
Use of Heartbeat in activeMQ

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Can anyone please explain the use of Heartbeat in stomp
If heartbeat is disabled will it cause any issues?
What are some scenarios where heartbeat is necessary?

Currently I am using stomp protocol to send messages to activeMQ and to listen to messages. This is done in Nodejs using stompit library.

When the application is having high CPU or Memory usage, it stops sending heartbeat to broker. So the broker redelivers the message which is currently being processed, leading to repetitive processing of the same message

On disabling heartbeat, the application seems to work fine but I am unsure of the further issues disabling heartbeat might cause. Even when the broker is stopped while sending messages, behaviour seems to be same with or without heartbeat

I have read that it is an optional parameter but I am unable to find out it's exact use cases

Can anyone mention scenarios where no heart beat can cause issues to the application?