

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Sacro commented

I would love to use this library with Typescript rather than Javascript, are there any typings available?

I created type definitions:

If no-one complains, I'll send a PR to DefinitelyTyped.

@DanielRose how about submitting a PR here too? I think a better place for TS typings is the original repo.

@gdaws It is up to the maintainer what would be preferred. The type definitions could be bundled with the package as well.

The type definitions were merged and can now be found in

hazzo commented

Hi, could be that the merged types are now obsolete?

For example, in the type connect.connectOptions the host property only exists inside connectHeaders and not also in the parent object as the actual JavaScript documentation shows.


@hazzo The type connect.ConnectOptions is defined as:

type ConnectOptions = NetTcpConnectOptions | NetIpcConnectOptions | SslConnectOptions;

Their types define a host property (among others):

interface NetTcpConnectOptions extends BaseConnectOptions, TcpNetConnectOpts {
    ssl?: false;
interface TcpNetConnectOpts extends TcpSocketConnectOpts, SocketConstructorOpts {
    timeout?: number;
interface TcpSocketConnectOpts extends ConnectOpts {
    port: number;
    host?: string;
    localAddress?: string;
    localPort?: number;
    hints?: number;
    family?: number;
    lookup?: LookupFunction;

And so on. However, an IPC connection does not have a host (since it always is the same system). So to see the correct options, you'll probably have to cast/declare your options objects with the correct type.

hazzo commented

@DanielRose thanks! I missed completely the extended interfaces!!! T_T