
New branch, compatible with Xcode10.x, supports drag and drop. Continuous maintenance...

Opened this issue · 2 comments

*** MythKiven's branch

Modified on the basis of the fork version: V2.4.9121, the current version: V2.5.9276. The changes are as follows:

  • 1.Increase the drag and drop function:
1. When first opened, the initial interface will be displayed, and the Mach-O file can be dragged directly to the interface;
2. The maximum number of files to be dragged each time is 3 files;
  • 2.Fix Xcode10.x compatibility issues:
1.error: 'string' file not found
Modify the program: C++ standard library modified to libc++

2.error: fwrite writes a null value crash
Modify the program: judge whether it is null or not
  • 3.Other modifications:
1. Part of KVC increases whether the judgment is an empty string;
2. The progress bar update code is placed in the main thread;
3. Fix code that may have a memory leak.

Note: A pkg (Version:2.5.9276) file can be directly installed, no need to compile itself, Click here to download MachOView




The quickest way to open (in terminal or Alfred)
$open -a MachOView XX
$open -b MachOView XX

Followed by
$open -b/-a MachOView or Alfred or click icon
Then drag the Mach-O file onto the open initial page or the icon in the Dock

@mythkiven Nice work! (Specially now that it supports dark mode and it no longer burns my eyes).
If your goal is to maintain your fork I suggest you enable issues to be created there in order to get feedback and bug reports.

MrNew commented

Thank you @mythkiven