
fail to install on ubuntu arm

Closed this issue · 1 comments

root@kew:~# ubuntu-cookbooks/cookbooks/nginx/recipes/install.bash
"FATAL : non 'Ubuntu' OS found"

root@kew:~# uname --a
Linux kew 4.1.6-249 #1 SMP Mon Aug 31 12:34:47 UTC 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

@kewogc I don't support Ubuntu ARM yet, as matter fact, I have no idea how to install it. There is a way you can try following to see if Nginx cookbook works for you by:

  1. removing checkRequireSystem from to by pass OS validation or
  2. Update to search for armv7 instead of ubuntu

Hope this helps and let me know what you find. Thanks. Closing this issue.