
Release 0.3.1

Closed this issue · 0 comments


  • Feature freeze
  • Update code base
    • merge master to FEATURE_BRANCH
  • Update Package version:
  • Test:
    • tox -r -e py36
    • tox -r -e py37
    • tox -r -e py38
    • tox -r -e docs
    • tox -r -e coveralls
    • tox -r -e dist_install
  • Create pull request
  • Release Notes (DRAFT) #128

Create Release

  • git push origin FEATURE_BRANCH
  • Check if automated tests successful: Travis-CI
  • Create package:
    • tox -r -e packaging
    • or
    • python sdist bdist_wheel
    • twine check dist/*
  • Check packaging
    • All files included
    • Correct filenames
    • Version name
    • PKG-INFO
  • Upload package to Test PyPI: twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
  • Check Test Upload
    • Page: Homepage
    • Page: Release history
    • Page: Download files
    • Version
    • Requirements: Python
    • pip install -i PACKAGE_NAME
    • Integrate and use in external tools
  • Merge RELEASE_BRANCH to master
    • git checkout master
    • git merge --no-ff RELEASE_BRANCH
  • Test master
    • tox -e py36
    • tox -e py37
    • tox -e py38
    • tox -e docs
    • tox -e coverage
    • tox -e dist_install
  • Create package: tox -e packaging
  • Push: git push origin master
  • Check if automated tests successfull: Travis
  • Check if documentation is rendered: Read the Docs
    • Links to GitHub repo
    • Version
    • Pages
  • Check: Release notes draft
    • Links to GitHub repo
  • Update release notes on GitHub: GitHub links, Docs, Links
  • Update release history in docs
  • Tag commit: git tag -a x.y.z -m"Release x.y.z"
  • Push release: git push origin x.y.z
  • Check new DOI
  • Add DOI Badge of current version
    • Docs: index.rst
    • Repo:
  • git push origin master
  • Check if automated tests successfull: Travis
  • Create package:
    • python sdist bdist_wheel
    • twine check dist/*
  • Upload to PyPI: twine upload --repository pypi dist/*
  • Check: PyPI
    • Homepage
    • Release history
    • Download files
    • Version
    • Requirements


  • Merge master to develop:
    • git checkout develop
    • git stash
    • git merge --no-ff master
  • Create issue for next release plan #124