
Return additional data objects from API requests

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Return additional data objects from the API requests by passing a param.


  • requests.response
  • requests.response.json()
  • requests.response.json() as dict()
  • pandas.DataFrame
  • pyDataverse.models.Dataverse
  • pyDataverse.models.Dataset
  • pyDataverse.models.Datafile
  • define default return type
  • define specific return type by passing parameter to method call


0. Pre-Requisites

  • Return pyDataverse object #9

1. Research

  • [ ]

2. Plan

  • Define requirements


  • requests.response
    • request
  • requests.response.json()
    • json
  • requests.response.json() as dict()
    • dict
  • pandas.DataFrame
    • dataframe
  • pyDataverse.models.Dataverse
    • pdv_obj
  • pyDataverse.models.Dataset
    • pdv_obj
  • pyDataverse.models.Datafile
    • pdv_obj

3. Implement

  • Write tests
  • Write/Update code
  • Write/Update Docs
  • Write/Update Docstrings
  • Run pytest
  • Run tox
  • Run pylint
  • Run mypy

4. Follow Ups

  • Review
    • Code
    • Tests
    • Docs

As discussed during the 2024-02-14 meeting of the pyDataverse working group, we are closing old milestones in favor of a new project board at and removing issues (like this one) from those old milestones. Please feel free to join the working group! You can find us at and