
direct upload to s3 store using Dataverse directupload api

Opened this issue · 10 comments

I have been working with the directupload api (
Its done in 2 passes. First puts the file into temp s3 storage, 2nd adds it to the dataset. As soon as I have a workable script I'll send it over.
I'm a bit confused about the post request. Documentation shows:
def post_request(self, url, data=None, auth=False, params=None, files=None):
"""Make a POST request.
But if I set auth=True (because I'm using an api key) I get an error of:
TypeError: 'bool' object is not callable

I checked my server log and found this:
#|2021-04-19T19:43:25.360+0000|SEVERE|Payara 5.2020.6|javax.enterprise.web.core|_ThreadID=66;_ThreadName=http-thread-pool::http-listener-1(3);_TimeMillis=1618861405360;_LevelValue=1000;_MessageID=AS-WEB-CORE-00037;|
An exception or error occurred in the container during the request processing
java.lang.Exception: Host is not set
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.postParseRequest(
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.doService(
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler.runService(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler.doHandle(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpServerFilter.handleRead(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.ExecutorResolver$9.execute(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeFilter(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.executeChainPart(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.execute(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.filterchain.DefaultFilterChain.process(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.ProcessorExecutor.execute(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.nio.transport.TCPNIOTransport.fireIOEvent(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.AbstractIOStrategy.fireIOEvent(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy.run0(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy.access$100(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.strategies.WorkerThreadIOStrategy$
at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$Worker.doWork(
at org.glassfish.grizzly.threadpool.AbstractThreadPool$

Jamie Jamison
UCLA Dataverse

@jmjamison Which pyDataverse and Dataverse versions are you working on? And can you also share the code executed for the POST request?

Dataverse: 5.3 build 286-fcb5ce7
pyDataverse: 0.3.1

import pyDataverse
from pyDataverse.api import NativeApi
api = NativeApi(dataverse_server, api_key) <- set earlier
import subprocess as sp
from requests import ConnectionError, Response, delete, get, post, put
resp = api.get_info_version()

{'status': 'OK', 'data': {'version': '5.3', 'build': '286-fcb5ce7'}}

resp = requests.put(url_persistent_id, data=None, params=None, auth=(), files=None)

{'status': 'ERROR',
'code': 405,
'message': 'API endpoint does not support this method. Consult our API guide at',
'requestUrl': '',
'requestMethod': 'PUT'}

Also tried:
url_persistent_id = '%s/api/datasets/:persistentId/uploadurls?persistentId=%s&size=%s' % (dataverse_server, persistentId, str(size))
r =,
"X-Dataverse-key": "$API_TOKEN"

{'status': 'ERROR',
'code': 405,
'message': 'API endpoint does not support this method. Consult our API guide at',
'requestUrl': '',
'requestMethod': 'POST'}

Is there anything else I should add?

@jmjamison Is this still an issue / problem? Am on parental leave until may 2022, so my time for pyDataverse is very, very limited.

Apologies, I didn't realize you were on parental leave. The issue exists but I can use other methods for direct uploads. Enjoy the time with your youngster.

Update: I left AUSSDA, so my funding for pyDataverse development has stopped.

I want to get some basic funding to implement the most urgent updates (PRs, Bug fixes, maintenance work). If you can support this, please reach out to me. ( If you have feature requests, the same.

Another option would be, that someone else helps with the development and / or maintenance. For this, also get in touch with me (or comment here).

FWIW: There was some recent work on python support for direct upload in IQSS/ - not multipart yet and not associated with pydataverse but possibly useful and possibly something to mine for pyDataverse.

As discussed during the 2024-02-14 meeting of the pyDataverse working group, we are closing old milestones in favor of a new project board at and removing issues (like this one) from those old milestones. Please feel free to join the working group! You can find us at and