
Include guestbook option in full dataset upload?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

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Hello, I am working on creating datasets in bulk and would like my template guestbook to be attached to each. I have not found a way to include a guestbook in the template JSONs or in the code. Is this an available feature? If not, is there another way to apply a guestbook to every dataset in a collection so that I do not need to do so manually?

Any insights are appreciated! Thanks so much.

@rdhlily hi! Guestbooks are an area of Dataverse that are mostly managed through the GUI. In fact, I believe the only thing you can do via API with guestbooks is download them:

If you'd like the ability, for example, to set a dataset's guestbook via API, please open an issue upstream at

We tend to work in small chunks, so issues with smaller scope are better. Please create as many as you need. Thanks.

This issue is not part of pyDataverse.