
JetBrains letter

Kapeli opened this issue · 5 comments

I don't think the top of the README is the right place to have that. It makes things kind of unusable as-is.

Dash will stop linking to this repo and link to instead for the time being.

i could move it under usage, it this is okay for you.
this is an important issue, a lot of jetbrains customers are expressing there disappointment right now. if nothing is said at this point we might have another adobe case, where a company no longer has any monetary incentive to do important changes and bugfixes.

In my opinion it would be best if you'd move it at the very bottom and just have a short unobtrusive message at the top that links to it.

okay. i did that. hope you will link back.
hopefully the licensing situation will change back pretty quick. they could or should have just raised the prices. subscriptions are really sad.

Looks good. I've changed back. Thanks for understanding.

as a designer i understand the unfriendly user perspective of the readme very well.

thanks for also understanding the importance of the licensing change. hope you have a similar opinion on the topic.