
Add matplotlib keyword for Python

a-d-p opened this issue · 2 comments

a-d-p commented

Hi, thanks a lot for this plugin. I have one question. Is possible to define in which docs to search similarly like in SublimeText plugin (e.g. 'python':'python3,numpy,scipy,matplotlib')?

hi @a-d-p,

the keywords are hardcoded into the plugin. if the addition of keywords makes sense for all users, i can add them. as far as i remember there is also some mechanic in dash that matches docsets with the correct language.

the current python keywords are here:

setLanguage("Python", new PythonSdkVersionDependentKeyword("python2", "python3"), "python", "django", "twisted", "sphinx", "flask", "tornado", "sqlalchemy", "numpy", "scipy", "salt", "cvp"); // PyCharm

a-d-p commented

Hi. Thanks a lot for the answer. Personally, I miss search in matplotlib for python.