- AerathisMontreal, Quebec
- AlexKorovyanskyEffective
- burakaydn@AppsComTr
- eveliotcInstagram, Inc.
- ewoks
- fciompa
- fresh83San Francisco
- fuycadw
- GBoueratHume Network
- heartj
- htchien@ASUS-OCIS, @GDGTaipei, @Wikimedia-TW, @CCNDA, @MozTW
- imfangs
- joshwingreeneBitwise Technology Consulting
- l7356507
- marmat@Google
- MathieuCalba@lumapps
- mauimauerGoogle
- mmBs
- mtthsfrdrch@moia-dev
- MuBooriSA
- ondrakub@snowlycode
- PareshMayaniSolGuruz
- pocmoLeague
- rameshr
- rlacBrisbane, Australia
- Sebastian-Brzuzek
- skyisleSeoul
- sohamtriveousTriveous
- Splaktar@DevIntent
- thensgens
- tmoermanAspect Analytics, Polymath BV
- trietbui85Zalora
- ufo22940268
- VenomVendorNear the edge of the world!
- ViliusKraujutisVilnius
- zasadnyy@facebook @gdg-x